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Specialty Care For Women

At A. Butler Chiropractic, we are a practice that desires to service its community empowering women to support themselves, their bodies, and their families. Our focus is on the phases of care throughout womanhood, with special emphasis on preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum care.

The treatments offered in our office are Mercier Therapy, The Shared Fertility Journey Program, Webster Technique, Functional Mobility for Women, the C-Section Recovery Program and postnatal care.

Preconception/Postnatal Care:

Let’s talk about Mercier Therapy.

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This therapy has a multitude of powerful benefits for women. The primary focus of this technique is on infertility and preconception treatment. Mercier therapy and the Shared Fertility Journey Program, utilized together, offer many benefits to those who are trying to conceive. This technique is also extremely beneficial for those who are recovering after giving birth, even if they had a Cesarean section. The C-Section Recovery Program is extremely beneficial to decreasing scar tissue and pains associated with the recovery process. 

WOMEN…This technique can also help those with female related surgical history! Pelvic abdominal work can be beneficial after recovering from surgeries that left you with residual discomfort in the lower abdominal region and associated pelvic musculature.

Mercier Therapy can be performed as a stand alone treatment. It would entail 6 full hours broken into 1 hour intervals per week for 6 weeks.

Shared Journey Fertility Program


Our fertility program is 6 weeks in length and can be used as a stand alone regime or in preparation for a more medically assisted cycle such as IUI or IVF. We highly recommend that you prepare your body properly prior to starting any medically assisted fertility cycle to help insure a successful first cycle. The Shared Journey can be completed in time for your stim start. 

As a stand alone cycle without medical assistance is what is most natural and primal for your body. You will be guided to monitor your own ovulatory cycle along with our help for up to one year after finishing your therapy with us. 

The program is custom tailored to each individual woman's situation and will be discussed in further detail at a consultation. 

When scheduling your consult please make sure to allow 60-90 minutes and bring any past medical records that may be helpful when discussing your history. During the consult a full medical history will be obtained as well as a pelvic organ mobility evaluation will be done. 

Mercier Therapy is a deep pelvic organ visceral manipulation modality. When increasing mobility whether your shoulder joint or your uterus you're optimizing the true function of the area and helping to return blood flow which is therapeutic.

When choosing to start the SJFP you'll receive 6 full hours of MT broken down into 1 hour intervals per week for 6 weeks.

Mercier Therapy assists with the following:

  • Natural fertility preparation or to Complement IVF, IUI, etc

  • Regulate menstrual cycle and ovulation

  • Normalize hormone and endocrine systems

  • Improve ovarian and hormone function for better quality follicles/eggs

  • Increase uterine blood flow and lining

  • Deeply relaxing – reducing anxiety & stress

  • Improve the success of IVF, IUI and other technologies

  • Improve Male Factor sperm quality, quantity and motility

  • Decrease miscarriage

  • Addresses: High FSH, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Premature Ovarian Failure, Luteal Phase defects, Endometriosis, Autoimmune infertility, and Recurrent Miscarriage

Conditions that can be treated with Mercier Therapy:

  • Pelvic Pain

  • Infertility

  • Anovulation

  • Amenorrhea

  • Endometriosis

  • Ovarian Cysts

  • Post-Surgical Scarring

  • Sexual Abuse Trauma

Prenatal Chiropractic Care


Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy is extremely beneficial. When pregnant, you are limited to therapies that will keep you and your growing baby safe. Chiropractic care and Webster techniques are a safe and effective ways to relieve both physical and mental stressors that can be adapted to each trimester for your changing body. Talking to someone with a holistic and personal experience makes for a personalized experience like nowhere else.

Prenatal Webster Technique

Chiropractic care in pregnancy is vital to the normal physiological function for both mother and baby throughout pregnancy and birth. The goal of an adjustment is to reduce the interference of sacral subluxation/SI joint dysfunction with gentle chiropractic manipulation. This allows more comfort for the mother throughout her pregnancy and optimizes her normal physiological functions.

Sacral subluxation may contribute to difficult labor for mother (i.e., dystopia), caused by inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction, and baby mal-presentation; therefore, corrections to the sacral subluxation may have a positive effect throughout pregnancy and during labor.

Learn more about the Webster Technique

Postnatal Care

How soon can you obtain care?

Gentle techniques are always available, which means you could stop on your way home from the hospital to get treatment! However, most woman find comfort in allowing time to heal and adapt to their new body and prefer to obtain treatment within 10 days after giving birth.

Don’t be left in the dark with all of the changes your body just experienced. The fourth trimester of pregnancy is a highly neglected time of care. You don’t need to feel like you should “know it all”, understand what your body is doing, or whatever you are feeling is “normal”. Trying to do this all on your own, without help, can lead to frustration, anxiety, depression, and extra stress that you do not need during this amazing time in your life! Obtaining postpartum care at A.Butler Chiropractic is a great way to receive comfortable chiropractic care, along with a support system, which is set in a safe place, making your transition in motherhood more comfortable for you! Let us help you as you begin this wonderful journey!

What techniques apply to you?

  • Chiropractic techniques vary depending your needs. We tailor each treatment to your comfort level, and it is based on your birth experience. All chiropractic techniques listed on the chiropractic web page can be utilized to fit your individual needs.

  • Mercier Therapy can also be utilized 6 weeks after the giving birth to allow healing process to be established.

How will you benefit from postpartum care?

Your body just created a miracle and you just changed as a woman. Let us help you make the transition into motherhood easier. Whether it is your first or fourth child, each pregnancy and labor is different, so allows us to help today! Take power over your postpartum care A. Butler Chiropractic.

Functional Mobility For Women

Functional movements are the bases for everything we do. If there is a dysfunctional movement, it can lead to incorrect patterns in your body causing issues from headaches, constipation, low back pain to ankle sprains. At A. Butler Chiropractic, Dr. Jess is trained in evaluating and training proper functional movement. She has completed training at the National Academy of Sports Medicine and CrossFit. With time spent playing various sports, learning anatomy, and specific training, she can apply this knowledge to develop programs to aide in functional movement improvements.

Importance of Functional Movement

·         Posture & Tone

·         Stability & Balance

·         Range of Motion

·         Core strength

·         Injury prevention

C-Section Recovery Program

According to the CDC in 2010 Cesarean births were done at a rate of nearly 40% in the United States. While many of these c-sections are done for convenience of the provider and failed induction there are occasions when the c-section procedure is needed to safely birth a baby and that is in a malpresentation such as breech or as a medical emergency.

Once the c-section is done and a woman has been released from medical or midwifery care than there are little to no suggestions made as to help with the recovery process.

During the cesarean delivery a horizontal incision is made to the lower segment of the uterus which can cause a significant amount of scar tissue and start the front of the uterus adhering to the back of the bladder. This type of scar tissue can cause a restriction of movement and ultimately lessen blood flow to the entire  pelvic area. This can cause secondary fertility challenges.

Our c-section recovery program can help you start to rehabilitate 6 weeks after your surgery. You must have your physicians clearance and no wound gaping, active infection or significant pain at the incision site.
