Join One of Our Community Detoxes in 2024

Healthier Choices Start Here.

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 We love coming into community with others looking to just start making healthier choices where they are at. Maybe that is just drinking more water each day or maybe it is a complete overhaul of your habits and lifestyle. Either way we are here for you. Sign up below to receive emails about what we offer for our programs with Dr. Amber or Dr. Jess. Our next community detox is planned for September 2024 and there will be 1:1 consultations available with Dr. Amber coming soon.

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Past Detox Testimonials…

I watched Dr. B and Dr. J do the Detox before and all I could think was there is absolutely no way in hell I will ever do something like that, I wouldn’t be able to do it and then…I did it!  And, and I’m so grateful I did!

I knew for months leading up to it that it was happening. I’m a person that always thinks the worst and freaks myself out about the unknown but, I didn’t let my insecurities get the better of me this time! I’m also a bigger girl, the biggest girl in our office and for some reason I let that negatively get into my head…dumb. Anyhow, I did the grocery shopping and the meal prepping. I did the pre-freak out and had to keep talking myself into it. This is my last year in my 30’s and I want to be healthier! For myself, for my children, lets be honest, we aren’t getting any younger and we’ve reached the point where it’s becoming much more important to take care of ourselves. I let the fact that I am a wife and mother get in my head.  I can’t do this because I’ll have to eat different than them….that is a freaking bullshit excuse let me tell ya. I wasn’t eating right, getting enough exercise and full disclosure here, I wasn’t going to the bathroom right (number 2) it was time for a change!!


1-For the shake the biggest thing for me was trying different milk alternatives to mix it with- Coconut Milk all the way!!

2-Meal prep! This was huge for me! Always had fruit and veggies ready to go, game changer!

3-Gonna sound like a dork here….Stay positive during the process! Yes 3 weeks is a long time but at the same time, it’s really not!! It went by faster than ya think it will! I didn’t cheat, I craved things here and there but I was feeling so much better I just kept going!

4-I started going to the bathroom every day!! Sometimes 2-3 times a day and for someone that was only going once every 3-4 days this was a freaking miracle in itself!

5-Dropping the caffeine! I was drinking to much pop. Its honestly something none of us need, a treat every once in a while, but an unnecessary thing I was leaning on way to much! Let’s be honest, I missed my coffee in the AM but it didn’t kill me to give it up. Celsius mixed berry packets were a great treat if I was missing the caffeine and needed a little pick me up!

6-Days 7 & 8 were my worst! I was physically exhausted and all I wanted to do was sleep! Now I sleep much better at night!

7-The no meat….not going to lie it was definitely my least favorite thing about this Detox but, again it didn’t kill me!

I’ve referred to the Detox as the “reset button” my body so desperately needed! I’m no longer overindulging, eating tons of crap and wondering why I feel like shit. Now let’s keep being honest, I’m munching on Pizza while I’m writing this, if I want something or I’m really craving something I have it. The difference is that now I don’t crave things at all like I used to and if I do want something I have a little bit and I’m over it. I’d much rather have the grapes, strawberries, carrots or celery over the chips or the cookie. When the boys have an activity, and we are on the go (always) I put my fruits/veggies in the car. Yes, I’ll still grab something from the concession stand occasionally, like I said I’m still a human and I want the chocolate sometimes, I just don’t  feel like I NEED these things anymore. I feel better, I’ve started losing weight in a healthy way. No more crash diets or lose 10 pounds in a week BS because you are starving yourself and the weight comes back immediately after. I don’t live on the scale, I don’t feel bad when I want the piece of pizza, for the first time I feel like my relationship with food is healthier than it’s ever been. I pass most times on the fast food, going out to eat or the treats….because I honestly don’t want it. I exercise a few days a week and feel better both mentally and physically!  We are doing another Detox in May and instead of dreading it like the first go around, I’m looking forward to it! Like bring it on, another reset is never a bad thing!  - C.D.